Latest Study Notes

Death Of A Nation (Nahum 3:8-19)

Hundreds of years before Columbus discovered the new world, the city of Cahokia was one of earth’s great metropolises. It was built in what is now southern Illinois, just west of modern day St. Louis, and inhabited by a people group that modern researchers call the “Mississippians.”Cahokia was an im

Walk This Way (Ephesians 4:1)

Ephesians 4:1 – Therefore I, the prisoner in the Lord, urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have receivedBe All You Can Be is one of the most effective marketing slogans of all time. Many of you can probably sing the jingle from those classic commercials.I didn’t realize the U.S. Army had reti

My House, My Rules (Isaiah 56:1-8)

“Are we there yet?”Script writers know that they can elicit a response by having a character ask, but since it is so over-used, they must be creative about it.One of the best exchanges ever is in Avengers: Infinity War. On the way to Nidavellir, Thor responds to “I am Groot” with “You’ll know when w

Prophecy Update #783 – Like A Flood

I feel a little like comedian Jim Gaffigan.Every time I’ve watched him, he does a string of jokes on a single topic. Somewhere along the way he mimics the audience, saying something like, “How many horse jokes does this guy have?”Our weekly Prophecy Update has been dominated by what is going on in I

Why Woe, Why Woe? It’s Off To Filth I Go (Nahum 3:1-7)

If you do a Google search for the phrase, “God has some explaining to do,” you will be met with many results from Christians and non-Christians and pretend Christians alike. Usually the articles are about suffering or after some tragic event. How could God allow something terrible to happen?I listen

Recent Videos

Ephesians 4:1 - Walk This Way

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Isaiah 55:1-13 - Sinner, Sinner, Come To Dinner

Prophecy Update #782 - Have A Cow

Nahum 2:11-13 - The Hunter Becomes The Hunted